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Taste the difference with Discovery Workstay

At Discovery Workstay, we take great pride in providing a home away from home for hardworking teams like yours, especially when it comes to the dining experience. We know that nothing beats a delicious, nutritious meal after a long day on the job, and that's why we've searched far and wide to bring together the very best chefs and catering teams in Australia.

Our talented chefs are passionate about flavour, variety and quality ingredients sourced locally. They prepare a rotating menu every day, so your team can expect something new and exciting. If the team is arriving back late or on a night shift, we offer fully prepared meals so that no one misses out. 

Our catering team is also happy to adapt menus to suit individual needs, allergies and preferences, without compromising on taste. Our full board option is an excellent choice for busy teams, providing everything from breakfast to mid-shift snacks to a satisfying evening meal (with dessert, of course).

Our custom-built dining halls are another popular feature, providing a spacious and comfortable environment for team gatherings and functions. Come and experience the taste of home at Discovery Workstay.